Handjob – The Zine2 min read
I’m setting up a few zines in anticipation of the zine fair season down here in Sydney, and while looking at some other zines for inspiration I came across my new favourite zine.

A zine is usually a small DIY publication, zine being short for and pronounced like magazine. I have been making zines for years, and even ran a class on zine making at a university about a decade ago. They are an interesting, evolving and free form of publication that is accessible to anyone.
This zine, Hand Job, is particularly interesting as they have been cataloging mistakes from the mass digitisation of printed materials. I love that these digitisation mistakes are now being reprinted in zine form. It is absurd. It is interesting. It is also a bit voyeuristic, and I love it.

Hand Job currently has 4 issues available digitally, but the author – Aliza Elkin – who works as an archivist and librarian is open to sell physical copies, or trade for the right zine.