IMAGEdump – 1903203 min read

10 random images from my stolen images folder with as much context as I can remember… (and I will try to find the source at some stage as well)

what a perfect mon. Japanese family crest for kabuki actors “Kotobuki Ebi”, depicting a Japanese spiny lobster using a kanji “壽” (kotobuki, the old glyph of “寿”, happiness) (source)
logo I made for BROKENtamago… /src/
nicely modified supercub /src/
stanced skateboard. loving the oni camber on the back wheels /src/
jean inspiration for when I finally get around to making my own pants /src/
one of the first and most broadly recognised qr codes with images embedded in it. this was for a Louis Vuitton campaign, designed by Murakami. I don’t think the link works anymore though. /src/
that glow is super perfect. this was one of many inspirations for the glow I try to and put into all my illustrations. /src/
this was a video piece I saw at the Sydney bienielle years ago when I was still in art school. the still looks cool but the video is cooler. (will need to find it) /src/
super cute little fox logo. o love how the tongue is very prominent but doesn’t break out from the stroke itself. /src/
I really wanna do some all over printed gear. but I don’t do anything rad enough at the moment. these colours and this aesthetic is super on point /src/