OCCASIONALsnacking – Pickachurro3 min read
I can’t read much of any language other than English, so I relied on the shelf ticket for this item at my local konbini (aka Australian chain of generic asian supermarkets with a Chinese focus), and I was sad when it read “Pikachu Churro”.
Excuse me. Pikachu… Churro… Surely they meant Pikachurro

Anyway, the Pikachurro (as I am calling it) was pretty delicious. It is basically a dried biscuit version of a churro, with a choice-custard cream type filling. Having such a moist and delicious filling was great, as the biscuit churro was super dry.
First Impressions
When I first opened the Pikachurro, I couldn’t help but laugh. It looked like a sad straight poop, with some crumbs falling off from the ends that were surely meant to be nice and squared off when it was originally cut and packaged. But having traveled to the literal ends of the earth (Australia) I’m sure it was rounded off as it was uncerimoniously bounced from port to port.
The aroma was amazing, it smelt like a fresh churro, coated in cinnamon and sugar, with a hint of that choco-custard cream centre wafting through the air.
First Bites
Eating the Pikachurro was an interesting affair. It was crazy dry. If it weren’t for the choco-custard cream filling I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to finish the snack. It weighed next to nothing, and was a very wafery but crunchy biscuit outside. The filling was delicious and flavourful, and the cinnamon sugar dusting on the outside of the biscuit helped my salivary glands power through.
This is how I feel a lot of American candy cereals feel, even though I have only tried Apple Jacks. They smell like they are amazingly flavourful, but when you actually eat it, you are left wanting more. And if you dive straight in and it the cereal pieces out of the box, they are too dry to enjoy thoroughly.
That being said, I did go back for a different variant, the Doraemon Churro. Churraemon??? It was very similar to the Pikachurro, except the filling was a vanilla-custard cream. I came prepared this time with a milkshake, and it was an absolute treat.
10/10 would eat again… but with milk at the ready.

All images apart from the illustration via – www.airfrov.com